METALTONE RECORDS is a multi-genre music label and production house
Astrodian Wars

Dystopian story "ASTRODIAN WARS" by Rony Facetaker Rage

Creative and talented artists are the core pillar of any music label or production house.
Metaltone Records is no exception.

However, Facetaker is not only talented and extremely productive in the music field. He has recently decided to put his creativity to a proper test on the writing front as well. And since we have to say that he’s doing very well, we decided to support his project.

You can currently watch short videos of Astrodian Chronicles – short excerpts from the soon to be released Astrodian Wars book in the US and Europe. These short videos are sure to delight you not only with their engaging narration but also with the animated video clips that Facetaker has prepared especially with the support of our production house.

We hope you will enjoy this dystopian work and eagerly await the next installments and book, as we at the label do.

So what is Astrodian Wars all about?

As the world teeters on the brink of extinction, humanity unites against an alien threat from Astrodia.

Against a backdrop of devastation and despair, The Astrodian Chronicles the harrowing journey of a divided world forced to come to terms with its differences in the face of extinction. At the centre of this epic tale is the enigmatic figure of Ozraxis, a beacon of hope amidst the coming darkness. His arrival is a signal for humanity to rally together, as disparate peoples put aside their grievances and confront a common enemy.

Each volume of The Astrodian Chronicles unfolds like a chilling prophecy, weaving together threads of desperation, heroism and unflinching determination.

Each successive episode draws you deeper into the abyss of conflict, captivated by the intensity of the battles that rage across a ravaged landscape. From the scorched plains of Europe to the sprawling metropolises of Asia, The Astrodian Wars spares no detail in depicting the ravages of war and the resilience of the human spirit.

The Astrodian Chronicles offer more than entertainment – they serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of existence and the enduring power of unity in the face of adversity. Through gripping storytelling and stunning visual effects, Facetaker invites audiences on a journey unlike any other – one that transcends time and space, weaving the threads of fate into a tapestry of cosmic proportions.

Dive into the heart of darkness and bear witness to the indomitable strength of the human spirit and the unbreakable bonds that bind us all.